Welcome To My Blog
A very warm welcome to the newcomers, and those who have been present since the first day.
I hope you all find the following beneficial.
Hey! I’m Saira. I welcome you into my world.
About 12 years ago I found myself in a difficult situation. If I knew it was going to take me two years or less to see a published book with my name on it, I wouldn’t have believed it. I would’ve laughed at you. I would’ve even given up had I known it would take that long – I’m glad though that I didn’t.
Let’s go back a little, it’s 2011 and I received a marriage proposal all the way from Australia. A dream was about to come true. A beautiful dream of walking in the sunshine of Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney. I imagined a good life and a fresh new start.
I ended up getting married to the guy within a month’s period contrary to advice. It all went quick. The marriage didn’t work out. It was a nightmare! Things happened and things came to an end within three months. Though it felt an awful lot longer.
I ended up leaving Australia in October 2011 depressed and traumatised. These experiences led me to begin writing. Something I would never have imagined – writing poetry with roses and lilies. I had poems published in anthologies. Then my first self-published book: “The Death of a Beautiful Dream” was released on Amazon on 9th Jan 2014.
When I returned to the UK I turned to counselling and those close by. After my first session, I decided to start writing. The therapy was writing all my feelings down and everything that happened. It then turned into poetry.
So I decided one day, I’ll continue and will publish a book.
I had great responses but also had testing times with negative comments and ordeals. I kept going and the result? Amazon, Createspace, PayHip, and Kindle selling my book.
In the poems, I drew on the lessons taken from each experience I had. The cover symbolises the struggle and pain of the journey I experienced. With the subtle addition of the tears and one-half of the face.
The book and the website are a way of reaching out to others who have been through similar experiences.
For more info about me and the book visit: